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Introducing the world’s first cleaning capsule designed for your Nespresso® coffee machine. Cleaning is now as easy as making a cup of coffee. Insert the cleaning capsule just like a coffee capsule. Remove dirty oils and residue from the brewing chamber and spout of your coffee machine, all at the press of a button. The powerful foaming agent cleans inaccessible areas, where descaling can’t reach.Nespresso® coffee machines collect a fair amount of oils, tannins, granules and bacteria build-up inside the brewing chamber of the coffee machine that you cannot get rid of with conventional cleaning methods such as hot water or descaling. This build-up can ruin your next drink and eventually damage your machine. The Caffenu® cleaning capsule was specifically designed to clean the brewing chamber of your Nespresso® coffee machine. The capsule releases a powerful foaming agent that gets rid of all residue and build-up in inaccessible areas in just 2 minutes. The agent inside the capsule is non-hazardous, and eco friendly. Regular cleaning is important for your coffee taste and also your health, and it helps to maintain your machine so it lasts longer.Compatible with original line Nespresso® coffee machines. Only a clean machine makes the perfect coffee. Please don’t forget to also descale your machine using Caffenu® Eco Descaler.
178 varastossa (voidaan jälkitoimittaa)
Introducing the world’s first cleaning capsule designed for your Nespresso® coffee machine. Cleaning is now as easy as making a cup of coffee. Insert the cleaning capsule just like a coffee capsule. Remove dirty oils and residue from the brewing chamber and spout of your coffee machine, all at the press of a button. The powerful foaming agent cleans inaccessible areas, where descaling can't reach.Nespresso® coffee machines collect a fair amount of oils, tannins, granules and bacteria build-up inside the brewing chamber of the coffee machine that you cannot get rid of with conventional cleaning methods such as hot water or descaling. This build-up can ruin your next drink and eventually damage your machine. The Caffenu® cleaning capsule was specifically designed to clean the brewing chamber of your Nespresso® coffee machine. The capsule releases a powerful foaming agent that gets rid of all residue and build-up in inaccessible areas in just 2 minutes. The agent inside the capsule is non-hazardous, and eco friendly. Regular cleaning is important for your coffee taste and also your health, and it helps to maintain your machine so it lasts longer.Compatible with original line Nespresso® coffee machines. Only a clean machine makes the perfect coffee. Please don’t forget to also descale your machine using Caffenu® Eco Descaler.
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